Our goal is customer satisfaction, reliability and achieving high quality of our products.
PRAKON spol. s r.o is a production and trading company operating in the building of the former ZŤS š.p. Prakovce.
It was established at the end of the year 1992 after the cessation of the production activities of that undertaking.
Our advantage is a long tradition, experience and technical ability of employees.
We currently employ about 80 people.
Our goal is customer satisfaction, reliability and achieving high quality products.

We are mainly engaged in the production of special tools and production parts for all types of industries. It provides small services for consumers and small businesses in engineering production.
It provides small services for consumers and small businesses in engineering production.
One of the activities is the supply of own products and services for the Railways of the Slovak Republic.

We are constantly striving to modernize the machine park and supplement it with CNC machines.
We have our own material preparation, heat treatment, production quality control and ZP maintenance.
We are equipment for piece and small series production. The company's production operation, location, technologies and technical equipment form a complete separate production cycle without the need for greater cooperation.
The company's production operation consists of four production ships, three of which are equipped with bridge cranes.
Notification of anti - social activities
Based on Act no. 54/2019 Coll. on the protection of whistleblowers of anti-social activities and on the amendment of certain laws („the law“), issued by the operator PRAKON spol. s r.o. Directive on administration, verification.

Establishment of the company
Experienced employees
Countries to which we export
Professional services